Owing to covid19-related restrictions there will be no in-person assessment during the semester. Hopefully end-of-semester exams will be in person.
There are two assessment options in Microeconomics 2: continuous assessment (two midterm tests and at least two class questions) plus exam or exam only. The continuous assessment counts only if it improves on your exam grade (both in the regular and repeat periods). Additionally you must get at least 7.5 in each test and the exam; otherwise continuous assessment does not count and your grade will be simply the exam grade.
So, for instance, continuous assessment does not count if you get 16 in the first test and then 7 in the second; or if you get 16 in both tests and then 7 in the exam; or, now for the good news, it does not count if you get, say, 16 in each test and the class questions and then 17 in the exam ― your final grade would simply be 17.
If your continuous assessment counts and improves on your exam grade, the class questions have a 10% weight, each test 20% weight, and the exam 50% weight. Otherwise it is exam only.
Midterm tests & Class questions
Each midterm test is a 30-minute test, consisting of multiple-choice questions only. They will take place via Microsoft Forms on the 16th of March and 21st of April during the class. We will let you know the topics covered in each test in due time.
Class Questions are short questions you answer via Microsoft Forms in classes. It can be any class. There are three in all, and you have to answer at least two (or continuous assessment will not count regardless of the midterm tests). If you answer all three you get the average of your two best answers.
As usual there is the regular and the repeat exam. Each is a two-hour exam, consisting of multiple-choice and open questions, of the same type as in previous years. In both cases, regular and repeat, continuous assessment, if you took it, counts only if it improves on your exam grade; but you must get at least 7.5 in the exam; the weights are same in both the regular and repeat exam (see above).
Fraud in any assessment is punishable under Article 12 of ISEG’s General Regulations for Assessment of Undergraduate Degrees, Students Disciplinary Regulations of the University of Lisbon.