There are two assessment options in Microeconomics 2: continuous assessment and the repeat-period exam. We strongly recommend you take continuous assessment, as it involves work throughout the semester, so making it easier for you to successfully learn. Besides if you take continuous assessment and fail you can still take the repeat-period exam; if you pass the continuous assessment you can also take the repeat-period exam to improve your grade.

Continuous Assessment

Continuous assessment consists of a midterm test, class questions, and the regular-period exam ("época normal"). All three components are compulsory: if you do not take the class questions or the midterm test you will not be allowed to take the regular-period exam. To pass this unit you must have at least 7.5 marks (out of 20) in the exam and 10 overall. if you have at least 7.5 marks in the exam your final grade will be an average with 30% weight for the midterm test, 20% for the class questions, and 50% for the exam; if you have less than 7.5 marks in the exam, your final grade is simply the exam mark. If you are registered at the university as a working student ("trabalhador estudante") you may choose to do continuous assessment without the class questions, in which case the weights in your final grade are 40% for the midterm test and 60% for the exam; all the rest is the same.

The midterm test is a 90-minute test, consisting of multiple-choice questions and open exercises. It will take place between the 27 th and 31 st of March. We will let you know the topics covered in the test in due time.

The class questions are short questions you answer in classes. You can have a question in any class; there will be no advance warning. How many questions there will be in total is not defined yet. Let's say there will be N questions. To qualify for continuous assessment you have to answer at least N - 2 questions. All your answers will be marked, and if you answer more than N - 2 questions your mark will be the average of your best N - 2 answers.

The regular-period exam is a two-hour exam that will cover only the topics not previously covered in the midterm test. It consists of multiple-choice questions and open exercises.

Repeat-Period Exam

Students who choose not to take part in continuous assessment can take the repeat-period exam ("época de recurso"). If you take the continuous assessment and fail you can take the repeat-period exam too. Your marks in the class questions and midterm test will count towards your final mark with the same weights as in continuous assessment if they improve on your mark in the repeat-period exam and as long as you have 7.5 marks in the exam. If you pass under continuous assessment you can still take the repeat-period exam to improve your grade (you need to register for the exam at the Undergraduate Office in this case, but not if you have not passed yet). The marks in your class questions and midterm test will no longer count in this case.

What you can and cannot use in the class questions, test, and exam

In the class questions, test, and exam s you can use non-graphical calculators only. It is your responsibility to bring one with you; you cannot use graphical calculators, even if they have nothing stored in memory and you have no other calculator with you. You must not look up any aid materials. All graphical calculators, mobile phones, tablets, and computers must be switched off and out of the way.


Fraud in any assessment is punishable under Article 12 of ISEG's General Regulations for Assessment of Undergraduate Degrees, Students Disciplinary Regulations of the University of Lisbon.