
Specific 2 X " games: symmetric games and Supermodular games

24 Novembro 2022, 18:00 José Pedro Pontes

Symmetric games.

Supermodular games.
Introduction to the selection of Nash equilibrium points.

Nash equilibrium

17 Novembro 2022, 18:00 José Pedro Pontes

Nash equilibrium: definition and meaning

Introduction to noncooperative games with two players where each player has two pure strategies (2 X 2 games)

10 Novembro 2022, 18:00 José Pedro Pontes

Introduction to noncooperative games with two players where each player has two pure strategies (2 X 2 games)

Preference reversal

3 Novembro 2022, 18:00 Jacinto Braga

Preference reversal

Preference reversal

27 Outubro 2022, 18:00 Jacinto Braga

Preference reversal