
Lecture 6

6 Abril 2018, 08:30 Rui Paulo

Exercise sheet 1.

Lecture 5.

23 Março 2018, 08:30 Rui Paulo

Saturated model, likehood ratio between satuarted and current and saturated model.

Deviance a and scaled deviance. Assessing the statistical significance of nested models. Table of deviances. Examples.

The normal case: the scaled deviance is the residual sum of squares. Relationship with the ANOVA F-tests.

Lecture 4

16 Março 2018, 08:30 Rui Paulo

The three ingredients of a generalized linear model. Linear predictor and link function.

Example: binary response. A predictor containing a factor and a numerical variable. Dummy variables and interpretation. Interaction terms. 

General consideration regarding main effects and interaction in a linear predictor. Associated number of parameters and notation.

Lecture 3

9 Março 2018, 08:30 Rui Paulo

The exponential family of distributions. Definition, natural parameter, mean and variance, variance function. Examples: Gaussian, binomial, Poisson and gamma distributions.

Lecture 2

2 Março 2018, 08:30 Rui Paulo

Multiple linear regression. Matrix formulation of OLS estimates and sums of squares, Properties of estimators. Adjusted R-squared.

The normal linear regression model. Inference: confidence intervals, t- and F-tests.

The normal linear regression model in R.