Introduction to credit risk models
15 Dezembro 2020, 11:30 • João Guerra
Introduction to credit risk models.
Structural models, Reduced form models and intensity based models.
The Merton model.
The two-state model with deterministic transition intensity.
Discussion of exercises.
Problems and exercises on Term structure models
11 Dezembro 2020, 11:30 • João Guerra
Discussion of problems and exercises on term structure models.
The PDE for Bond pricing.
Interest rate models
10 Dezembro 2020, 11:30 • João Guerra
Interest rate models: Vasicek, CIR and Hull-White models.
Example of a two-factor model: the two-factor Vasicek model.
Term structure models - introduction
4 Dezembro 2020, 11:30 • João Guerra
Interest rates: different types of interest rates and the relationships between them.
Desirable properties of term structure models.
The dynamics of the short rate under the real world measure P and the dynamics of bond prices under P and under the risk neutral measure Q.
The market price of risk and the risk premium.
Risk neutral valuation formula for bond prices under the risk neutral measure Q.
Computational implementation of the Black-Scholes model using R
3 Dezembro 2020, 11:30 • João Guerra
Black-Scholes model: implementation in R of some functions related to Black-Scholes formula, Balck-Scholes pricing by Monte Carlo method, calculation of the greeks and of the implied volatility.