Final review
10 Dezembro 2013, 09:30 • João Guerra
Final review and discussion of some examination problems.
Credit risk models
9 Dezembro 2013, 10:00 • João Guerra
Credit risk models.
Structural models and reduced form models. Intensity-based models.
The Merton model. The two-state intensity-based model. The n-state model. The Jarrow-Lando-Turnbull model.
Term Structure models - 2
3 Dezembro 2013, 09:30 • João Guerra
The CIR model.
The Hull-White model.
The 2-factor Vasicek model.
Limitations of one-factor models.
Examples and exercises.
Term structure models
2 Dezembro 2013, 10:00 • João Guerra
Term structure models.
Desirable characteristics of term structure models.
Short rate, spot rate, forward rates and Bond prices.
Risk-neutral pricing of bonds.
The market price of risk and risk premium.
The Vasicek model.
Portfolio risk management - the greeks.
25 Novembro 2013, 10:00 • João Guerra
Portfolio risk managements: the greeks.
Delta, Gamma, Vega, Rho, Theta, Lambda.
Delta hedging.