
Lesson 14

10 Novembro 2023, 11:00 Ricardo Pinto Moura

Delta method: Example. Introduction to Bayesian Inference. Prior, Likelihood and posterior. Conjugate families. Prediction.

Lesson 13

8 Novembro 2023, 15:30 Ricardo Pinto Moura

Variance of the ML estimator. The invariance property of the ML estimators. Delta method

Lesson 12

6 Novembro 2023, 15:00 Ricardo Pinto Moura

MLE for grouped, censored and truncated data.

Ex: 15.28 and 15.29 of Loss Models.

Lesson 11

3 Novembro 2023, 11:00 Ricardo Pinto Moura

Maximum Likelihood Estimation for complete individual data.

Lesson 10

30 Outubro 2023, 15:00 Ricardo Pinto Moura

Frequentist Estimation: Method of Moments, Percentile Matching Method.