
Estimation for modified data

31 Outubro 2016, 08:00 João Andrade e Silva

KM estimator and Nelson Aalen esimators for the survival function.

Means, variances and interval estimation


Estimation for complete data     Lecture 3

28 Outubro 2016, 11:00 João Andrade e Silva

Estimation for complete data

    Empirivcal estimation of probabilities using grouped data (point estimates and CI estimates)



Estimation for modified data

    Introduction - Censored and trucated data

    Determining the risk set



Estimation for complete data Lecture 2

26 Outubro 2016, 10:00 João Andrade e Silva

Estimation for complete data

    Empirical distribution for grouped data

    The histogram

    The empirical survival function

            Properties of the ecdf as an estimator of the distribuition function

            Estimation of probablties and conditional probabilities by means of confidence intervals


Estimation for Complete Data - Lecture 1

24 Outubro 2016, 10:00 João Andrade e Silva

Review of Mathematical statistics

    Test of hypothesis - p-value



Estimation for complete data


    Empirical cumulative distribution function

    Estimation of the survival function using the ecdf

    Nelson-Aalen estimator of the cumulative hazard rate

    Estimation of the survival function using the cumulative hazard rate

Review of mathematical statistics Lecture 3

21 Outubro 2016, 11:00 João Andrade e Silva

Confidence intervals

Test of hypothesis