
Model Selection

28 Novembro 2022, 15:00 João Andrade e Silva

Chi-square goodness of fit test (end)
Likelihood ratio test (to be continued)

Model Selection

25 Novembro 2022, 14:00 João Andrade e Silva

Kolmogorov- Smirno test in R
Anderson-Darling Test
Chi-square goodness of fit test (to be continued)

Model Selection

23 Novembro 2022, 15:30 João Andrade e Silva

Graphical techniques
Introduction to testing procedures
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (to be continued)

Bayesian Inference

21 Novembro 2022, 15:00 João Andrade e Silva

Review of the main issues in Bayesian inference
Loss functions and Bayesian estimates
HPD intervals

Short introduction to model selection

Bayesian Inference

16 Novembro 2022, 14:00 João Andrade e Silva

Introduction (end)
Prior, Likelihood and posterior - example
Conjugate families