
Solvency II - Pillar I (part 2)

3 Novembro 2014, 08:00 Hugo Borginho

- Technical provisions (cont.)

- Own funds

Solvency II - Pillar I (part 1)

27 Outubro 2014, 08:00 Hugo Borginho

- Valuation of assets and liabilities

- Technical provisions

Solvency II - introduction

20 Outubro 2014, 08:00 Hugo Borginho

- Overview (objectives, 3 Pillars, legislative architecture, impacts)

Risk fundamentals

13 Outubro 2014, 08:00 Hugo Borginho

- Risk definition and categories

- Components of risk

- Purpose and design of capital requirements

European financial supervision architecture

6 Outubro 2014, 08:00 Hugo Borginho

- Origins of the financial crisis

- EU answers to the financial crisis

- Recent developments