
World Political Order

2 Março 2016, 15:00 António Goucha Soares

- United Nations. Cold War

International Organizations

29 Fevereiro 2016, 15:00 António Goucha Soares

- General Principles on International Organizations

Modern International Community

24 Fevereiro 2016, 15:00 António Goucha Soares

- Faiure of the League of Nations

- International Community after WWII;  Deconolization and the issue of development

Modern International Community

22 Fevereiro 2016, 15:00 António Goucha Soares

- Congress of Vienna, 1815: Holly Alliance and balance of powers; Diplomatic conferences and international law

- The 1919 Peace Conference and the end of the so-called European age

The making of the international community

17 Fevereiro 2016, 15:00 António Goucha Soares

- Rise of the modern international community: sovereign state

- Peace of Westphalia

- Balance of powers