
International Community after WW-II

27 Fevereiro 2014, 18:30 António Goucha Soares

International Community after World War II

The League of Nations

25 Fevereiro 2014, 18:30 António Goucha Soares

- League of Nations; Treaty of Versailles

The Rise of the modern International Community

20 Fevereiro 2014, 18:30 António Goucha Soares

- Congress of Viena; Concert of Nations, Holy Alliance; Monroe doctrine

- Multilateral diplomacy, International law

The international community

18 Fevereiro 2014, 18:30 António Goucha Soares

The rise of the modern international community: Treaty of Westphalia


13 Fevereiro 2014, 18:30 António Goucha Soares

- Program

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