International Organizations
Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia
Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças
Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão
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Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia
History of International relations. The rise of the modern state; the international society; international organizations: the League of Nations. - A. Cassese, "Historical Evolution of the International Community (1648-1918)", in International Law in a Divided World, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994, pp. 34-73. - H. Kissinger, World Order. Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History, London: Penguin Press, 2014, Chapters 1, 2. The World Political Order. The United Nations Organization; the Cold War and the work of UN; The UN structure and role; The UN reform: The post-American age and the new emerging powers. The World (dis) Order. - H. Kissinger, World Order. Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History, Penguin Press, London, 2014, Chapters 3,5,6,7,8. - S. Patrick, "Irresponsible Stakeholders", Foreign Affairs, Vol. 89, nº6, 2010, pp.44-53. - S.G. Brooks, G.J. Ikennberry, W.C. Wohlforth, "Lean Forward", Foreign Affairs, Vol. 92, nº1, 2013. The International Economic Order. International economic relations before 1945; the international financial system: the UN specialized agencies, IMF and World Bank. The world trade system: GATT; trade rounds; WTO; Doha Round. TPP; TTIP. - A. Cassese, "The Law Governing International Economic Relations", in International Law in a Divided World, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994, pp. 317-350. - R. Zoellick, "Why we Still Need the World Bank", Foreign Affairs, Vol. 91, nº2, 2012, pp. 66-78. - R. Scharma, "Broken BRICs", Foreign Affairs, Vol. 91, nº6, 2012, pp.2-7. - H. Dieter, "The Decline of Global Economic Governance and the Role of the Transatlantic Powers", Business and Politics, Vol. 11, nº3, 2009.