
International Organizations

Licenciatura Bolonha em Estudos Gerais

Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia

Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças

Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão

Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão

Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia


1. Brief account of the evolution of International Relations The European Age: The rise of the modern state; the Concert of Europe; The upsurge of International Organizations: The League of Nations. 2. The World Political (dis)Order The American Age: The United Nations Organization; The UN structure and role; the Cold War and the work of UN; The UN reform. UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Climate Change governance: COP27. The post-American age and the new emerging powers: The war in Ukraine. 3. The International Economic Order Protectionism v. trade liberalization. World trade system: The GATT agreement and world trade rounds; WTO; multilateralism v. bilateralism. The international financial system and UN agencies: IMF and World Bank. The rise of China.