
Class 11

18 Maio 2022, 11:30 Joana Sousa Leite

Presentation and discussion of the article "Avent, R., et al. (2022). Stabilizing the Climate. The Economist, 30th October 2021."

Lecture 12

17 Maio 2022, 10:00 José Alves

Presentation of text 10

Class 10

11 Maio 2022, 11:30 Joana Sousa Leite

Presentation and discussion of the paper "IMF (2021). Chapter 2: A Fair Shot. Fiscal Monitor, April 2021."

Lecture 11

10 Maio 2022, 10:00 José Alves

Presentation of Text 9

Lecture 10

3 Maio 2022, 10:00 José Alves

Presentation of Text 8