Bibliografia Detalhada

Europe´s Response to China´s Activism: Balancing Hope and Fear in the New Age of Global Economic Governance, Clingendael Report
Maaike Okano-Heijmans e Daniel Lanting
Clingendael Report

EU External Trade and Investment Policy-making
Stephen Woolcock
Em Woolcock, European Union Economic Diplomacy: The Role of the EU in External Economic Relations (Surrey: Ashgate)

The European External Action Service and Public Diplomacy
Simon Duke
Clingendael Discussion Papers in Diplomacy 127

The Emerging Relationship between the European Parliament, the High Representative and the External Action Service
Kolja Raube
WP 74 Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies

The European External Action Service and agenda-setting in European foreign policy
Sophie Vanhoonacker & Karolina Pomorska
Journal of European Public Policy 20:9

The European External Action Service and the security-development nexus: organizing for effectiveness or incoherence?
Michael Smith
Journal of European Public Policy 20:9

A closer look into EU´s External Action frontline.
Damien Helly et al
Farming the challenges ahead for EU Delegations, ECDPM Briefing Note No. 62

The Evolution of the EU as an International Actor
Karen Smith
Em Smith, Karen, European Union Foreign Policy In A Changing World (Cambridge: Polity)

Images of the EU beyond its borders: Issue-Specific and Regional Perceptions of European Union Power and Leadership
Natalia Chaban et al.
Journal of Common Market Studies 51:3

A liberal grand strategy in a realist world? Power, purpose and the EU´s changing global role,
Michael Smith
Journal of European Public Policy 18:2