Métodos de Ensino e Avaliações
The teaching approach will strive to integrate, whenever possible, the exposition of concepts and theories with methodological analysis based on real cases of implementation and evaluation of public policies. Lecture slides will be made available on the course page on FÉNIX. Attendance and active participation in the majority of classes are expected from students. To encourage participation in the assessment, the evaluation during the regular period will consist of: • Written final exam: 50% of the grade. In groups of 2-3 students, depending on class size, students’ evaluation will have 2 further components: • At the end of each class, there will be a presentation of a recently published research paper from a scientific journal (10min), followed by in-class discussion. The paper must be selected from a list provided by the instructor (examples at the end of this syllabus) or proposed by the student in the first weeks of classes and accepted by the instructor: 25%. • In-class presentation of a research design (10min), followed by discussion, in the last weeks of the term: 25%. This should include: (i) a relevant research question related to the evaluation of a real public policy, explaining why this policy is important and why it should be studied (including a brief review of the literature on other articles and political debates); (ii) an evaluation design, including the method (field, laboratory, natural experiment, etc.) and a description of the measurement (i.e., the necessary data – feasibility will be particularly valued!). It is important to discuss whether the results would constitute correlations or causal parameters; (iii) potential limitations of the proposed approach.