
Lecture 26

22 Novembro 2023, 10:30 José Pedro Gaivão

First step analysis

Lecture 25

17 Novembro 2023, 13:30 José Pedro Gaivão

Stationary distribution. Existence and uniqueness. Limit distribution.

Lecture 24

15 Novembro 2023, 10:30 José Pedro Gaivão

Null/positive recurrent states. Periodicity. Ergodic states. Communication classes and decomposition of the state space of a Markov Chain.

Lecture 23

10 Novembro 2023, 13:30 José Pedro Gaivão

Classification of states of a Markov chain. Mean number of visits of a given state.

No lecture

8 Novembro 2023, 10:30 José Pedro Gaivão

No lecture