Dear All,

Many thanks for attending the first lesson of our new course Research Management and Public Policy.

Please find attached the presentation from last evening.

As readings for next week, I would like you to go through the Exec Summary of OECD STI Outlook 2023 (attached).

[Full version:]

Also, as an introduction to the historical perspective, there is a nice piece from the Fall of 2023 (attached).

In case you’ve watched Oppenheimer, that’s a plus for the debate (the book, American Prometheus, Pulitzer prize 2016).


Bits and pieces from yesterday class (in case you’d like to follow up):

Tony Judt obituary

Tony Judt, Ill fares the land, NYRB 2010 + critique by Chris Patten

STI Outlook 2021 - Research precariat

Paul Romer/World Bank clash; Paul Romer archive; Clear and Precise Scientific Communication, 2017

Have a nice week.



