
Research Policy for Sustainability

Mestrado Bolonha em Investigação e Inovação para a Sustentabilidade


1. The societal impact of research: how can research influence sustainability 2. Research policy for sustainable development: theoretical approaches 3. Working with indicators in support of Sustainable Development Goals 4. Research and innovation in Climate Risk Management – Mitigation 5. Science of science: data and methods (inc. guest lecture) 6. Research and innovation in Climate Risk Management – Adaptation 7. Research and innovation in Climate Risk Management – Geoengineering 8. Science and climate change-driven transitions: technology vs. behaviour (debate) 9. Research and innovation for sustainability in the private sector (inc. guest lecture) 10. Understanding the relation between research priorities and societal demands 11. Countries’ research priorities in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (inc. guest lecture) 12. Invited topic discussion (presentation)