
Common session A

17 Outubro 2019, 18:00 Luís Costa

What is a masters' dissertation?

[Joint session with Ec and Fi]

theme c

10 Outubro 2019, 18:00 Vítor Escária

Access to data, statstical packages and ethics

Bibliographic Databases (BDB)

3 Outubro 2019, 18:00 Elsa Fontainha

Bibliographic Databases (BDB)

1.BDB: Introduction

2.BDB: Composition, relevance, quality; Advanced search.

3.Search: analyzing results and saving search history.

4.Personal BDB: creation and use

5.BDB Tools (e.g. List of References)

Seminar Slides are available online. 

Teacher: Elsa Fontainha ( )


Topic D

26 Setembro 2019, 18:00 Tiago Cruz Gonçalves

MFW - Project or Internship Report. Reasons and mechanics. Examples.


19 Setembro 2019, 18:00 Joana Pais

Calendário e modo de funcionamento da disciplina.