
Law and Finance

12 Dezembro 2013, 18:00 Maria Teresa Garcia

Law and Finance

"Health financing for universal coverage"

5 Dezembro 2013, 18:00 Maria Teresa Garcia

"Health financing for universal coverage"

"A stock price index of Lisbon Stock Exchange (1870-1913)"

28 Novembro 2013, 18:00 Maria Teresa Garcia

"A stock price index of Lisbon Stock Exchange (1870-1913)"

"Bank performance and economic growth: evidence from panel Granger causality estimations"

21 Novembro 2013, 18:00 Maria Teresa Garcia

"Bank performance and economic growth: evidence from panel Granger causality estimations"

"Talking about financial and economic crisis, an introduction to the reading of Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff's "This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly", Princeton University Press, 2009"

14 Novembro 2013, 18:00 Maria Teresa Garcia

"Talking about financial and economic crisis, an introduction to the reading of Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff's "This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly", Princeton University Press, 2009"