
Topic: Financial reporting - Concluded

13 Novembro 2023, 14:00 WEIYU WANG

  • Financial distress
  • Quiz and Correction
  • Financial reporting analysis

Topic 2: Financial Reporting - Continued

6 Novembro 2023, 14:00 WEIYU WANG

  • Profitability
  • ROE and its drivers
  • Sustainable growth rate
  • Market value & economic value creation
  • Risk management & financial distress evaluation

Topic 2: Financial Reporting

30 Outubro 2023, 13:00 WEIYU WANG

Topic 2- Financial Reporting
  • Accountability and financial reporting
  • Financial statements
  • Reconciling financial statements
  • Managerial balance sheet
  • Working capital requirement
  • The matching strategy
  • Measure of liquidity
  • Measure of managerial efficiency
  • Solvency

Topic1: Accountability and Sustainability

30 Outubro 2023, 09:00 WEIYU WANG

Topic1- Accountability and Sustainability
  • Course presentation: learning outcomes, syllabus, methodology, evaluation and references.
  • The concept of accountability
  • The origins of sustainability
  • From profitability toward sustainability
  • The triple bottom line : Profit, People, and the Planet
  • Social accounting and social auditing
  • Shareholders vs. Stakeholders
  • Accountability principles