
Money, Credit and Banking

25 Novembro 2013, 15:00 Rafael Marques

The Social Meaning of Money.

Industry Creating Mechanisms

13 Novembro 2013, 15:00 Rafael Marques

Litigation, Counselling and Therapy as industry creating mechanisms. 

The Economic Sociology of Development

11 Novembro 2013, 15:00 Rafael Marques

Development Theories and the Economic Sociology Approach. 

Discussing the Assignment

6 Novembro 2013, 15:00 Rafael Marques

Intellectual Property Rights and their Impact on Advanced Societies.

The State and the Economy

4 Novembro 2013, 15:00 Rafael Marques

Varieties of Capitalism. Models of Welfare. Regulation. Intervention. Business Groups. Redistribution. Taxation.