
AI and Applications (NN) & Article Presentation

25 Outubro 2023, 11:00 Rui Guedes

- RPA (AI) and Process Automation (examples from european org.)

- AI and Real World applications;
- Article Presentation (Q&A);
- Data Governance; and
- GDPR and Data Privacy (risks and challenges).

RPA´s (AI) and CRM Systems (ES)

18 Outubro 2023, 11:00 Rui Guedes

- CRM Systems, Knowledge Base (KB) and Expert Systems; - Applications, components and main Modules from CRM (Marketing, eCommerce)and ES;

- Cloud native examples (SForce): european and portuguese adoption;
- Telecom (IN`s and Neural Networks) and Hospitality (Hotels) apps; and - RPA´s (AI) adoption and Use Cases Applications (NN).
- MS PowerBI Reporting Tool.

BI & Analytics

11 Outubro 2023, 11:00 Rui Guedes

1. DSS & BI (Analytics): - Main Concepts; - OLAP Technology;

- Relevant Tools (MS PowerBI; Salesforce Tab.; Qlik; Microstrategy);
- Applications by industry and Sector (Modern Retail; Telecom; Tourism - Hotel Industry; Streaming - Netflix. HBO);
- Multi-dimensional Dashboards and Smart KPI`s.
2. Expert Systems and KB - Core applications;
- History and Use Cases.

DSS & BI and Real Time Apps

4 Outubro 2023, 11:00 Rui Guedes

1. Decision Support Systems (real time applications);

- Adoption, risks (data privacy) and challenges (big data);
- BI Reporting, Compliance and Visualization;
- Using DSS & BI Tools (PowerBI; SF Tab.; Qlik);
- Use Cases from Retail, Hospitality, Telco & Media (Netflix Case)
2. Expert Systems and Knowledge Base (KB)
- Applications and main concepts;
- Notes Example;
- CRM Systems

Decision Systems and different Data Sources

27 Setembro 2023, 11:00 Rui Guedes

. Decision Systems (DS) main Components and late developments.

. Different Data Sources;
. Relevant and important tools (PowerBI, Tablea (SF). and Qli.) and when to adopt it.