
last class- presentation, tutoring of written work and evaluation

26 Novembro 2024, 18:00 Marta Nieto Romero

In this class, the last group presented the paper Assessment of transdisciplinarity by its participants: the case of Tertúlias do Montado, Alentejo, Portugal | Sustainability Science; then I did a tutoring session with each group to guide them through their work, and then a round for evaluation feedback on the semester. 

CANCELLED for sickness

19 Novembro 2024, 18:00 Marta Nieto Romero

The prof. Adam Standring took the class spot for his discipline 

Nature-based solutions for lisbon and climate communication

12 Novembro 2024, 18:00 Marta Nieto Romero

Presentation of the group on Reflections on climate change communication research and practice in the second decade of the 21st century: what more is there to say? - Moser - 2016 - WIREs Climate Change - Wiley Online Library 

Guest speaker Pedro Pinho presenting his work on nature-based solutions. Fishbowl debate 

Integrators and eGROUNDWATER project

5 Novembro 2024, 18:00 Marta Nieto Romero

Group presentation of tex tIntegrate the integrators! A call for establishing academic careers for integration experts | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications

and presentation of eGROUNDWATER project by Prof. Marta Varanda 

Participatory Action Research as an Emancipatory practice

29 Outubro 2024, 18:00 Marta Nieto Romero

Os estudantes apresentaram um texto sobre Participatory Action Research e a convidada Ines Faria apresentou dois projetos. Seguiu-se de um debate sobre desafios metodologicos e praticos do envolvimento de coletivos na investigação.