
Lecture 6

25 Setembro 2023, 20:00 Paulo Parente

Topic 9 - The bootstrap

1 Basics on bootstrap
2 Bootstrap with asymptotic refinements
3 Bootstrap in the linear regression model
4 The number of Bootstraps
5 Final remarks

Lecture 5

25 Setembro 2023, 18:00 Paulo Parente

Topic 2 - Discrete Choice Models

  • Binary Choice Models
    • Linear Probability Model
    • Index Models for Binary Response
    • Latent variable threshold (LVT) model
    • Random utility models
    • Marginal Effects and Average Partial Effects
    • Simple specification tests
    • Goodness of Fit

Lecture 4

18 Setembro 2023, 20:00 Paulo Parente

Topic 8 - Nonparametric and Semiparametric estimators
  • Nonparametric estimation;
  • Semiparametric estimators;
Exercise Sheet 8: Exercise 1,2.

Lecture 3

18 Setembro 2023, 18:00 Paulo Parente

Topic 1 - Maximum Likelihood Estimation
  • Proof of the asymptotic normality
  • Estimators of the information matrix
  • Regressors
  • Interpretation and inference in misspecified models
  • Hypothesis testing.
Exercise Sheet 1: Exercises 1a,b,c,d,e

Lecture 2

11 Setembro 2023, 20:00 Paulo Parente

8 - Nonparametric and Semiparametric estimators
- Introduction
- Nonparametric estimation;