
Concepts of solution in dynamic games

9 Abril 2019, 18:00 José Pedro Pontes

Dynamic games: the extensive form.

Perfect equilbrium: the "trembling hand" approach.

Computing the perfect equilibrium: backward induction.

Subgame perfect equilibrium.

The structure of the set of Nash equilibria in a game.

2 Abril 2019, 18:00 José Pedro Pontes

Invariant transformations of the payoff matrix in a game.

Symmetric 2X2 games.

The selection of a Nash equilibrium.

Nash equilibrium

19 Março 2019, 18:00 José Pedro Pontes

Definition of Nash equilibrium.

Computing Nash equilibrium in pure strategies.

Computing Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies.


Relations between strategies

12 Março 2019, 18:00 José Pedro Pontes

Dominant strategies.

Best replies.

Rationalizable strategies.

The strategic or normal form of a game

26 Fevereiro 2019, 18:00 José Pedro Pontes

The strategic/normal form of a game with pure strategies only.

The strategic/normal form of a game when mixed strategies are allowed.