

20 Outubro 2008, 20:30 Raquel M. Gaspar

3 -The Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing (cont.)

  • The Theorem: Separating Hyper plane Theorem; Proof
  • The existence of an Optimal Portfolio
  • Mean-Variance Frontier
  • Exercises


13 Outubro 2008, 20:30 Raquel M. Gaspar

3 -The Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing

  • Notation
  • Law of one Price (LOP)
  • Absence of Arbitrage


6 Outubro 2008, 20:30 Raquel M. Gaspar

2 - General Properties of Asset Pricing

  • Introduction
  • 1=E(RM)
  • Alternative Representations: factor based models, state prices, risk-neutral probabilities
  • When does 1=E(RM) hold?
  • Empirical Restrictions on M
  • Conditional Models


29 Setembro 2008, 20:30 Raquel M. Gaspar

Course Presentation


  • About the Course: teacher and student presentations. Course Evaluation. Program Outline. Biblography.
  • Fields of Finance: Introduction. Market Efficiency. Asset Pricing. Corporate Finance. Market Microstructure. Behavioral Finance.


22 Setembro 2008, 20:30 Raquel M. Gaspar

0 - Course Presentation

  • Asset Pricing as a classical area of Finance
  • Mathematical Finance as a subarea of Asset Pricing
  • Program Outline
  • Evaluation System
  • Classes: Theoretical Classes and Exercise Classes