
Estimating the survival function

1 Outubro 2020, 10:00 Agnieszka Bergel

1. The Nelson-Aalen estimator theory and practice.

Estimating the survival function

28 Setembro 2020, 11:30 Agnieszka Bergel

1. The Kaplan-Meier estimator: theory and practice.

Estimating the survival function

25 Setembro 2020, 10:30 Agnieszka Bergel

1. Censoring

2. The Kaplan-Meier estimator. Theory.

Survival models

23 Setembro 2020, 11:30 Agnieszka Bergel

  1. Simple parametric models.
  2. The Gompertz and Makeham laws of mortality.

Survival models

18 Setembro 2020, 10:30 Agnieszka Bergel

  1. Future lifetime and the survival function.
  2. Force of mortality
  3. The complete and curtate expectation of life
  4. Integral expressionfor q_x and p_x.