
Graduation and statistical tests

24 Novembro 2016, 10:00 Agnieszka Bergel

1. Standarized deviation test.

Graduation and statsitical tests

22 Novembro 2016, 09:30 Agnieszka Bergel

1. Testing the adherence to data:

The chi-square test.

Graduation and statistical tests

17 Novembro 2016, 10:00 Agnieszka Bergel

1. Introduction.

2. Testing the smoothness of a graduation.

Exposed to risk

15 Novembro 2016, 09:30 Agnieszka Bergel

1. Working with icomplete data.

2. Census aproximation.

3. Death classified using different definition of age.

Exposed to risk

10 Novembro 2016, 10:00 Agnieszka Bergel

1. Homogenity

2. The principle of correspondance

3. Exact calculation of the central exposed to risk.