Normal Period

The final mark in this period is the weighted average of the marks obtained in (i) a group project (20%), (ii) the presentation/discussion of articles (30%), and in (ii) the exam (50%).

i) Group project

The project is a computational application based upon the lectures and seminars dedicated to DSGE models.

Groups are composed of 4 or 5 students selected randomly.

ii) Presentation and discussion of articles

Each student is responsible for presenting an article (A) in 15 minutes on one of the topics in chapter 3 of the syllabus and for discussing another article (B) in 5 minutes on a different topic.

Presentation of article A (20%) will be assessed considering the quality of the overheads, of the presentation, and of the responses to the discussant and other participants in the seminar.

Presentation of article B, and also of the remaining articles (10%), will be assessed considering the quality of the discussion (paper B) and the overall participation in the seminars.

iii) Written exam

Individual, written, and unseen 2:15 hour examination papers are composed of 3 questions with identical weights based upon the articles presented in the seminars.

These are open-book exams and all the study materials in paper can be used. Scientific calculators are welcome, but personal computers, tablets, and cellular phones are strictly forbidden.

Appeal Period

The final mark in this period is the one obtained in the written exam. This exam has the same features and rules as the normal period one.

For further details on the assessment process click here.