
The empirics of agglomeration economies

21 Abril 2022, 18:00 Patrícia Melo

  • Theories and underlying mechanisms of agglomeration economies 
  • Theoretical frameworks to empirically identify agglomeration economies
  • Concluding remarks

Cities and the urban spatial structure

7 Abril 2022, 18:00 Patrícia Melo

Discuss urban economics theoretical literature on urban land use inspired by the monocentric model, including extensions that deal with main limitations, addressing multiple endogenous employment centres and resident heterogeneity.

Relate the standard monocentric model to the empirical literature on patterns of development within urban areas, particularly suburbanization and sprawl.

The fundamentals of Spatial economics

31 Março 2022, 18:00 Patrícia Melo

The object of study of spatial economics; its main constituent fields and how they have evolved and intersected over time; the relation of spatial economics with Economics and its interactions with other disciplines.

The fundamental trade-off in spatial economics and its implications for the standard competitive paradigm in explaining the spatial economy. 

The spatial impossibility theorem and its three main solutions. 

Overview and roadmap of spatial competition models.

Aula 3 Health Economics

3 Março 2022, 18:00 Aida Isabel Tavares

Demand for health - Grossman Model.

Questions and comments.

Aula 2 Health Economics

24 Fevereiro 2022, 18:00 Aida Isabel Tavares

Sistemas de saúde: o que são e como diferem.