
Ch 5 Premium Principles and Risk Measures

17 Abril 2023, 11:00 Alfredo Egídio dos Reis

Premium Principles (cont'd); Risk Measures. Examples, exercises.

Ch 4, Premium Principles

12 Abril 2023, 10:30 Alfredo Egídio dos Reis

4. Premium principles. Properties and examples.

Ch 3

10 Abril 2023, 11:00 Alfredo Egídio dos Reis

 3. Aggregate models:   the individual model; approximated methods: Normal Power and translated Gamma approximation. Examples.

Ch 1,2

29 Março 2023, 09:30 Alfredo Egídio dos Reis

 3. Aggregate models:  The aggregate claim distribution; the
impact of individual policy modifications on the aggregate claim distribution; the individual model; approximated methods

Ch 1,2

27 Março 2023, 11:00 Alfredo Egídio dos Reis

 2. Impact of coverage modifications in the frequency and severity, including deductible (cont'd), inflation effects, policy limits.