Management and organization across firms and countries
17 Dezembro 2020, 09:30 • Paulo Bastos
This session characterized and analysed management practices across firms and countries. Key questions included: Why are firms in emerging markets so poorly run relative to firms in developed countries? Why are firms in emerging markets more hierarchical than firms in the U.S.? Why do we often observe business conglomerates forming in these countries?
Global value chains
10 Dezembro 2020, 09:30 • Paulo Bastos
This session discussed the role and implications of Global Value Chains (GVCs). Key questions included: How and why is international production increasingly organized along GVCs? What are the main implications of GVCs for firms and countries?
Multinational firms and intellectual property rights
3 Dezembro 2020, 09:30 • Paulo Bastos
This session explored the activity of multinational corporations and their impacts on host countries. Key questions included: How do foreign takeovers impact the performance of acquired firms? What can governments do to attract foreign investment? How can firms protect intellectual property in markets with weak enforcement? How should firms manage corruption risk?
Trade costs and economic geography
26 Novembro 2020, 09:30 • Paulo Bastos
This session characterized and discussed the main costs companies face when entering foreign markets. It also discussed strategies for reducing these costs, as well as the main forces leading to the aglomeration of economic activity in space.
Firm performance in global markets
19 Novembro 2020, 09:30 • Paulo Bastos
This session discussed the main drivers of firm performance in global markets. Key questions included: Why only a few firms succeed in global markets? Why do very successful firms often underestimate the costs of entering foreign markets? What strategies should firms adopt to appeal to foreign consumers?