Experimental Economics: methods and topics EEMT
Groupo: Economia Monetária e Financeira > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Unidades Curriculares Optativas > Optativas Condicionadas 1 e 2
6.0 (para cálculo da média)
Experimental Economics: Methods and Topics is a research course intended for master and PhD students in economics and finance. The main goal of the course is to introduce students to the methodology of Experimental Economics and to learn and discuss the main advances in a variety of topics. The number of topics studied to date is far too large to include in a single course, so the focus will be on seminal and new research on few areas. The course provides students with skills needed to design and run an experiment either in the lab or in the field, to write an experimental academic, and to present and discuss experimental results. In this course students will be introduced to the experimental software z-tree. Those that will pursue their master or PhD dissertation using experimental methods are encouraged to learn further z-tree programming and will be given additional materials.
Part I: Introduction and Methodology 1. Introduction to Experimental Economics 1.1. Brief history of Experimental Economics 1.2. Strengthens and weaknesses of the experimental method 1.3. Experimental Economics and the “others”: 1.3.1. Experimental Economics vs. Behavioral Economics 1.3.2. Experimental Economics vs. Econometrics 2. Lab vs Field Experiments? 3. Experimental Design and Procedures 3.1. Incentives and control over preferences 3.2. Treatments, controls, sessions 3.3. Between and within subjects’ design 3.4. One shot vs. repeated interaction 3.5. Role reversal 3.6. Partners vs. strangers 3.7. Elicitation of beliefs 3.8. The strategy and direct methods of elicitation 3.9. Deception 3.10. Optimal sample size 4. Experimental Software 4.1. Introduction to z-tree 5. Experimental Data Analysis 5.1. The beauty of randomization 5.2. Non-parametric statistics Part II: Topics 1. Decision making under risk 2. Intertemporal decision-making 3. Pro-social and moral behavior: Cooperation, fairness, reciprocity, trust, lying, and corruption 4. Enforcement of social norms 5. (Behavioral) Economics of incentives and nudges 6. Gender differences 7. Matching markets 8. Asset markets and behavioral finance 9. Other experiments in macroeconomics
Método de Avaliação
The assessment period includes continuous evaluation during the semester, which consists of quizzes and lab reports (20%), final project (65%), in/class discussions of assigned articles (20%). The Época de Recurso assessment period includes only one final written exam (100%). The final project is a paper (10-20pages) on an original research topic of students’ choice. The paper should be structured as a standard scientific article.
Carga Horária
Carga Horária de Contacto -
Trabalho Autónomo - 121.0
Carga Total -