
The Macroeconomic Effects of Monetary Policy MAEMP


Groupo: Economia > 3º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Unidades Curriculares Optativas


7.5 (para cálculo da média)


This course is a reading seminar on some topics in monetary policy, namely the macroeconomic effects of the APP, the role of house prices in the monetary policy transmission mechanism, and the main drivers of TARGET balances.


1. The Macroeconomic effects of the APP 2. The role of house prices in the Monetary Policy transmission mechanism 3. The evolution and the main drivers of TARGET balances

Método de Avaliação

Two individual 25 page essays.

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 174.0

Carga Total -


Não foi definida bibliografia principal

Disciplinas de Execução

2018/2019 - 2 Semestre