
Practice Lecture 4

30 Setembro 2024, 10:30 Alba Miñano-Mañero

In class work solving problem set of Lecture 4 (frequency tables, histograms, means, medians). Problem set consisted on exercises from previous exams. 

Lecture 4 - Theory and excel practice

26 Setembro 2024, 10:00 Alba Miñano-Mañero

Finished theoretical part of lecture 4 (reviews frequency tables, bar charts and step charts, explained histograms, cumulative histograms and location measures. Left time for students to do the excel practices

Lecture 4 - Centrality Measures

25 Setembro 2024, 10:00 Alba Miñano-Mañero

Class covered a short review of the previous part of lecture 4 (frequency distributions, bar charts, step charts, histograms) and covered the part about centrality measures (mean, median, mode). We solved one exercise from previous exams and discuss the solution to the excel exercises of the previous day. 

Research Assignment and Lecture 4

24 Setembro 2024, 10:00 Alba Miñano-Mañero

Presentation of Research Assignment 1 and 2. We reviewed the previous class and introduced histograms in the discussion. Last 30 minutes were devoted for student work solving excel exercises. 

Research Assignments and beginning Lecture 4

23 Setembro 2024, 10:30 Alba Miñano-Mañero

Presentation of the Research Assignments, giving the detailed instructions of what is expected in each of the assignments. We also started Lecture 4 discussing types of variables and the construction of frequency tables for discrete and qualitative variables, both theoretically and with Excel.