
Lecture 8

13 Abril 2023, 09:00 Rui Paulo

Homework 3.

Normal model: prediction of the next observation in the context of a conjugate prior (known variance.)

Lecture 7

30 Março 2023, 09:00 Rui Paulo

Posterior predictive model checking.

The normal model: inference for the mean given the variance. Conjugate prior and resulting posterior. Combining information.

Lecture 6

23 Março 2023, 09:00 Rui Paulo

The Monte Carlo approximation for more than one parameter.

Sampling from the posterior predictive distribution.

Homework 2.

Lecture 5

16 Março 2023, 09:00 Rui Paulo

Conjugate priors in the exponential family.

The Monte Carlo approximation: an iid sample from the posterior distribution allows us to compute just about any aspect of a posterior distribution. Examples.

Lecture 4

9 Março 2023, 09:00 Rui Paulo

Prediction in the context of a Poisson-gamma model. The exponential family of distributions.

Homework 1.