
Exam problems

21 Maio 2018, 10:00 João Guerra

Discussion of exam problems.

Exam problems

17 Maio 2018, 10:00 João Guerra

Option pricing exercises.

Exam problems.

The Black-Scholes fórmulas. Exercises.

14 Maio 2018, 10:00 João Guerra

The Black-Scholes fórmulas.

Exercises on option pricing in the Black-Scholes model.

The Black-Scholes model

10 Maio 2018, 10:00 João Guerra

The Black-Scholes models. 

The solution of the Black-Scholes PDE by the Feynman-Kac formula and the Girsanov Theorem. 

The risk-neutral valuation formula for pricing options and financial derivatives. 

The risk-neutral or equivalent martingale measure Q. 

Girsanov Theorem. The Black-Scholes model

7 Maio 2018, 10:00 João Guerra

Change of probability measures. Equivalent probability measures. 

The Girsanov theorem: for nomal random variables, for a Brownian motion with drift and the general version. Proof of the theorem for normal random variables and for the Brownian motion with drift. 

The Black-Scholes PDE: how to obtain the equation using (i) the assumption of liquid market for the contigent claim (ii) using a replicating portfolio of the riskless asset and the underlying risky asset.