Este artigo é privado e está apenas disponivel para membros do grupo: Alunos de Corporate Financing and Planning (CFP) 2 Semestre - 2020/2021 ou Professores de Corporate Financing and Planning (CFP) 2 Semestre - 2020/2021



1st Lecture: Presentation

  • Introduction to the course: syllabus, bibliography, assessment, webpage.
  • Revision of fundamental concepts: interest rates
  • Support Materials
    • 0-Syllabus
    • 0-Calendar
    • 1-Corporate Financial Planing_Ch0
    • 1-Corporate Financial Planing_Ch1_2
    • Problem Set 1

2nd Lecture: Working Capital Management

  • Overview of Working Capital
  • Trade Credit
  • Receivables Management
  • Payables Management
  • Exercises of Problem Set 1
  • Homework: Exercises (Problem Set 1)

3rd Lecture: Working Capital Management

  • Inventory Management
  • Exercises of Problem Set 1
  • Homework: Exercises (Problem Set 1)

4th Lecture: Working Capital Management

  • Cash Management
  • Near Cash Investment
  • Exercises of Problem Set 1
  • Support Materials
    • Solutions_Ch1 (slides)
    • Solutions_Ch26 (book)

5th Lecture: Short-term Financial Planning

  • Exercises of Problem Set 1
  • Forecasting Short-Term Financing Needs
  • The Matching Principle
  • Homework: Exercises (Problem Set 1)

6th Lecture: Short-term Financial Planning

  • Short-Term Financing with Bank Loans
  • Short-Term Financing with Commercial Paper
  • Short-Term Financing with  Secured Financing
  • Homework: Exercises (Problem Set 1)

7th Lecture:  Students Presentation and Short-term Financial Planning

  • Student presentation
    • Opler (1999)
  • Support Materials
    • Solutions_Ch2 (slides)
    • Solutions_Ch27 (book)
    • Solution Problem Set 1 - Exercise 10

8th Lecture:   Short-term Financial Planning

  • Exercises of Problem Set 1

10th Lecture:   Raising Equity Capital

  • Exercises of Problem Set 1
  • Equity Financing for Private Companies
  • Support Materials
    • Lecture Notes_Ch3
    • Problem Set 2
    • Facebook IPO

11st Lecture:   Raising Equity Capital

  • Equity Financing for Private Companies
  • Questions on the case-study

12nd Lecture:   Raising Equity Capital

  • The Initial Public Offering
  • IPO Puzzles
  • Exercises of Problem Set 2
  • Homework: Exercises 1 to 7 (Problem Set 2)

13rd Lecture:   Raising Equity Capital

14th Lecture:   Raising Equity Capital

  • Student Presentations: Case-study KOTA
  • Exercises of of Problem Set 2

15th Lecture :  Payout Policy

  • Distributions to Shareholders
  • Comparison of Dividends and Share Repurchases
  • The Tax Disadvantage of Dividends
  • Support Materials
    • Lecture Notes_Ch4
    • Problem Set 3
  • Homework: Exercises 17.4, 17.5, 17.6, 17.7, 17.10 , 17.16, 17.25, 17. 29   (Problem Set 3)

16th Lecture:  Payout Policy

  • Student Presentations:
    • Grullon and Michaely(2004)
    • Dyl and Weigand(1998)
  • Exercises of Problem Set 3
  • Homework Exercises 17.4, 17.5, 17.6, 17.7, 17.10 , 17.16, 17.25, 17. 29   (Problem Set 3)

17th Lecture:  Payout Policy

  • Dividend Capture and Tax Clienteles
  • Payout version Retention of Cash
  • Signalling with Payout Policy
  • Stock Dividends, Splits and Spin-offs
  • Support Materials
    • Solutions_Ch17 (book)
    • Solutions Problem Set 3

18th Lecture:  Debt Financing

  • Support Materials:
    • Lecture Notes_Ch5
    • Problem Set 4
  • Homework: Exercises 1 to 3  (Problem Set 4)

19th Lecture:  Debt Financing

  • Exercises of Problem Set 4
  • Support Materials
    • Solutions_Ch24 (book)
    • Solution Problem Set 4_ Students

20th Lecture:  Debt Financing

  • Exercises of Problem Set 4

21st Lecture:  Leasing

  • Support Materials
    • Lecture Notes_Ch6
    • Problem Set 5
  • Homework: Exercises 1 to 5  (Problem Set 5)

22nd Lecture:  Leasing

  • Exercises of Problem Set 5

22nd Lecture:  Leasing

  • Exercises of Problem Set 5
  • Student Presentations
    • Ang and Peterson (1984)
    • Billingsley  and Smith (1996)
  • Support Materials
    • Solutions_Ch25 (book)
    • Solution Problem Set 5