
The European Court of Justice

2 Novembro 2022, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

Judicial Review by the European Court of Justice:

- Annulment actions, art. 263 TFEU

- Preliminary rulings, art 267 TFEU

EU legal System

31 Outubro 2022, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

- European Court of Justice cases on article 258, 259 and 260 of the TFEE.

Written test

26 Outubro 2022, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

Mid-term test.

EU legal system

24 Outubro 2022, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

- The European Court of Justice

- Enforcement actions

III- European Union Legal Order

19 Outubro 2022, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

- European Union sources of law:

- Regulations, Directives and Decisions