
The European Union

26 Setembro 2022, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

- The 1992 Maastricht Treaty on the European Union

Deepening of European integration

21 Setembro 2022, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

- What does deepening means?

- Deepening of European integration until 1985

- The Single European Act, 1986

European integration

19 Setembro 2022, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

European Community enlargement: main stages

- Treaties of Accession

- The Copenhagen criteria and the Eastern enlargement

- The current candidate states. 

- The case of Ukraine 

The making of Europe: The European Economic Communities

14 Setembro 2022, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

- European integration after World War II:

- The Hague Congress, 1948

- Treaty of Brussels, 1948

- The Council of Europe, 1949. The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). 1950

- Treaty of Paris, 1951: The European Coal and Steel Community

- The European Defense Community, 1952

- The Treaties of Rome, 1957: EEC and EURATOM

Presentation and assessment rules

12 Setembro 2022, 12:00 António Goucha Soares


- Program, Bibliography and Assessment rules.

- Mid-term test will be on October 26.

- Last test will take place on December 7.