
Lesson 20

20 Novembro 2023, 08:30 Cristina Requejo

The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP): example; discussion of several models (two natural formulations (the cut set formulation and the subcircuits formulation) and two extended formulations (multicommodity flow and the MTZ)). The assignment relaxation for the TSP.

Lesson 19

16 Novembro 2023, 09:00 Cristina Requejo

Obtaining the Critical Item, greedy heuristics to the Binary Knapsack problem and the linear relaxation bound. The Travelling Salesman Problem: definition.

Lesson 18

13 Novembro 2023, 08:30 Cristina Requejo

Heuristic Programming: introduction, types of heuristics, the local search heuristic, application of the local search heuristic to the Binary Knapsack problem.

Lesson 17

9 Novembro 2023, 09:00 Cristina Requejo

Modelling integer linear programming problems: set covering problem, scheduling problem, eighter or constraints.

Project 1

6 Novembro 2023, 12:00 Cristina Requejo

The students presented their project 1.