Bibliografia da UC

Bibliografia Básica e Complementar

Bibliografia Básica


-          BURGENMEIER, B. (2009), Economia do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Instituto Piaget, Lisboa.


-          FAUCHEUX, S. e NOEL, J. (1995),   Economia dos Recursos Naturais e do Meio Ambiente, Instituto Piaget.


-          FUJITA, M. e THISSE, J. (2002), E conomics of Agglomeration; Cities, Industrial Location and Regional Growth, Cambridge, University Press


-          PEARCE, D. e TURNER, R. (1990), Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment, Harvester Wheatsheaf.


-          SILVA COSTA, J. e NIJKAMP, P. (Coord.) , (2010), Compêndio de Economia Regional- Volume I: Teoria, Temáticas e Políticas, Principia, APDR.


-          TIETENBERG, T. (2006), Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, 7th edition, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.


Bibliografia Complementar


-          AZQUETA, D. (2002), Introducion a la Economia Ambiental, Mc Graw-Hill.


-          CLARK, C. (1990), Mathematical Bioeconomics, The Optimal Management of Renewable Resources, 2 nd edition, Wiley-Interscience Publication, Jonh Wiley & Sons, Inc.


-          CONRAD, J. (1999), Resource Economics, Cambridge University Press.


-          DALY, H. (1996), Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development, Beacon Press, Boston.


-          FILIPE, J., COELHO, M. e FERREIRA, M. (2007), O Drama dos Recursos Comuns, Edições Sílabo.


-          GOODSTEIN, E. (1999), Economics and the Environment, 2 nd edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.


-          HACKETT, S., (2006), Environmental and Natural Resources Economics: Theory, Policy and the Sustainable Society, 3 rd ed., M.E. Sharpe, New York.


-          HENDERSON , V. e THISSE, J. (Eds) (2004),   Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Vol. 4, Amsterdam, North-Holland


-          HOWE, C. (1979), Natural Resource Economics, John Wiley & Sons, New York.


-          KNEESE, A. and SWEENEY, J. (eds) (1985/1993), Handbook of Natural Resource and Energy Economics, vol I , II, III , North Holland.


-          McCANN, P. (2001) , Urban and Regional Economics, New York, Oxford University Press.


-          HENDERSON , V. e THISSE, J. (Eds),   Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Vol. 4, Amsterdam, North-Holland


-          MUNASINGHE e SHEARER (eds) (1996), Defining and Measuring Sustainability, United Nations University e World Bank.


-          PEZZEY, J. (1993), Sustainable Development Concepts: An Economic Analysis, World Bank, Washington


-          POLESE, M. (1998), Economia Regional e Urbana; Lógica Espacial das Transformações Económicas, Coimbra, APDR