
Lecture 9

16 Novembro 2020, 10:30 Paulo Parente

Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data. Wooldridge (2013), Chapter 10
    Part 2

  ∙  Trending Time Series
  ∙  Seasonality

Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data. Wooldridge (2013), Chapter 11
    Part 1

  ∙  Covariance Stationary Process
  ∙  Weakly Dependent Time Series
  ∙  Examples of weakly dependent time series
      -  moving average process of order one
      -  autoregressive process of order one

Doubts clearing session.

Lecture 8

10 Novembro 2020, 08:00 Nuno Sobreira

1, 2, 3, C3, C4  (Chapter 8)

Lecture 8

9 Novembro 2020, 10:30 Paulo Parente

    Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data. Wooldridge (2013), Chapter 10
    Part 1

  ∙  Time Series vs. Cross Sectional
  ∙  Finite Distributed Lag Models
  ∙  Assumptions for Unbiasedness
  ∙  Variances of OLS Estimators
  ∙  Inference on the long-run propensity
 Doubts clearing session.

Lecture 7

3 Novembro 2020, 08:00 Nuno Sobreira

1, 2, 4, 5, 8, C6 (Chapter 7)

Lecture 7

2 Novembro 2020, 10:30 Paulo Parente

    Multiple Regression Analysis: Heteroskedasticity. Wooldridge (2013), Chapter 8 (Heteroskedasticity_part2.mp4).
    Part 2

  ∙  Testing for Heteroskedasticity (The Breusch-Pagan Test, The White Test)
  ∙  Weighted Least Squares, Generalized Least Squares, Feasible GLS
  ∙  Prediction and Prediction Intervals with Heteroskedasticity

 Doubts clearing session.