
Lecture 6

27 Outubro 2020, 08:00 Nuno Sobreira

3, 4, 6, C2, C3 (Chapter 6), C1(i)  (Chapter 9)

Lecture 6

26 Outubro 2020, 10:30 Paulo Parente

    Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information: Dummy variables. Wooldridge (2013), Chapter 7.
  ∙  Other Interactions with Dummies
  ∙  Testing for Differences Across Groups
  ∙  Linear Probability Model

    Multiple Regression Analysis: Heteroskedasticity. Wooldridge (2013), Chapter 8.
       Part 1

  ∙  What is Heteroskedasticity? Why Worry About Heteroskedasticity?
  ∙  Variance of the OLS estimator with Heteroskedasticity
  ∙  Robust Standard Errors
  ∙  Heteroskedastic-robust Wald statistic and A Robust Lagrange Multiplier Statistic
 Doubts clearing session.

Lecture 5

20 Outubro 2020, 08:00 Nuno Sobreira

C6, C9 (W, Ch4), C8 (W, Ch 6), 1  (W, Ch5)

Lecture 5

19 Outubro 2020, 10:30 Paulo Parente

    Topics on Functional Form, Wooldridge (2013), Chapter 6 (section 6.2) and Chapter 9 (section 9.1)

  ∙  Functional Form - The meaning of the term linear
  ∙  Quadratic Models
  ∙  Interaction Terms
  ∙  Tests of functional form
      -  Ramsey's RESET Test
      -  Nonnested Tests

    Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information: Dummy variables. Wooldridge (2013), Chapter 7
    (Part 1).

  ∙  Introduction
  ∙  Program Evaluation
  ∙  Perfect Multicollinearity and the Dummy variable trap
  ∙  Dummies for Multiple Categories
  ∙  Interactions between dummy variables


 Doubts clearing session. 

Lecture 4

13 Outubro 2020, 08:00 Nuno Sobreira

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8. (Wooldridge, Chapter 4)