Linear Time Series Models: Stationary, ACF and PACF, White Noise, AR(inf) and MA(inf) representations
1 Março 2016, 16:00 • Jorge Caiado
Linear Time Series Models: Stationary, ACF and PACF, White Noise, AR(inf) and MA(inf) representations
Emprirical features and stylized facts of financial time series (continuation)
23 Fevereiro 2016, 16:00 • Jorge Caiado
Emprirical features and stylized facts of financial time series (continuation)
"Financial Econometrics" Syllabus. Emprical features and stylized facts of financial time series
16 Fevereiro 2016, 16:00 • Jorge Caiado
"Financial Econometrics" Syllabus. Emprical features and stylized facts of financial time series