
Lecture 19

26 Novembro 2019, 21:30 José Pedro Gaivão


General solution of planar linear ODE and exponential matrix. 

Classification of the trivial equilibrium. Phase portraits.

Lecture 18

22 Novembro 2019, 18:00 José Pedro Gaivão

Introduction to planar linear ODEs.

Transforming a scalar 2nd order linear ODE to a planar linear ODE. 


Solution of the IVP. 

Linear change of variables. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues and canonical forms.

Lecture 17

19 Novembro 2019, 21:30 José Pedro Gaivão

Qualitative theory of scalar ODEs:

- Existence and uniqueness of solutions; maximal interval of existence.

- Equilibrium points; stability

- Phase portrait; examples.

Lecture 16

15 Novembro 2019, 18:00 José Pedro Gaivão

Integrating factor for solving 1st order linear scalar ODEs.

Method of separation of variables.


Lecture 15

12 Novembro 2019, 21:30 José Pedro Gaivão

Mixed constraints.

Necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for optimal points under convexity.


Introduction to scalar ODEs. Classification and examples.