Bibliografia Detalhada
New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st CenturyTimmons, J. e Spinelli, S.Timmons, J. e Spinelli, S. (2008), New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century.? 8th edition., McGraw Hill-Irwin.2008(Bibliografia Opcional)Effective small business management: an entrepreneurial approachScarborough, N. M. e Zimmerer, T. W.Scarborough, N. M. e Zimmerer, T. W. (2006), Effective small business management: an entrepreneurial approach, 8th edition, Prentice Hall.2006(Bibliografia Opcional)Empreendedorismo e InovaçãoSarkar, S.Sarkar, S. (2007), Empreendedorismo e Inovação, Escolar Editora.2007(Bibliografia Opcional)Entrepreneurship: starting and operating a small businessMariotti, S.Mariotti, S. (2007), Entrepreneurship: starting and operating a small business, 1st edition, Prentice Hall.2007(Bibliografia Opcional)Patterns of EntrepreneurshipKaplan, J.Kaplan, J. (2006), Patterns of Entrepreneurship, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons.2006(Bibliografia Opcional)Technology Ventures: from idea to enterpriseDorf, R. e Byers, T.Dorf, R. e Byers, T. (2006), Technology Ventures: from idea to enterprise, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill.2006(Bibliografia Opcional)Introduction to entrepreneurshipKuratko, D. F.Kuratko, D. F. (2009), Introduction to entrepreneurship, 8th edition, South-Western Cengage Learning.2009Entrepreneurship: ideas in actionGreene, C. L.Greene, C. L. (2009), Entrepreneurship: ideas in action, 4th edition, South-Western Cengage Learning.2009